VSTS TeamProject Monitor
An extension to list all projects from the VSTS account.
If you are a Project Collection Administrator, then you might have experienced the difficulty of deleting multiple VSTS Team Projects at one go. VSTS Team Project Monitor probably has the answer that you are looking for - select multiple/single team projects and delete. The extension allows you to view the total number of team projects created, list of online team projects for an account, process templates being used.
This is the first release of the new version of the app and is mostly in preview. Your suggestions are always welcome.
• Count of Active Team projects for logged in VSTS account
• List of active Team Projects
• Process templates used for creating the respective Team project
• Option to delete one or multiple Team Projects by selecting the checkbox
• Searching the team Projects by Title
• Project Collection Administrator
• Project Manager
• Project Leads
Caution: Deleting a team project permanently removes data associated with that project from the database. You cannot recover it later. Therefore, you should save team project data that you might want to access later.
Share your experiences, feature requests and feedback on our email vststoolssupport@ecanarys.com with the subject line "VSTS Team Project Monitor".