DevOps-Redmine to ADO
Redmine to Azure DevOps Migrator

Migrate your Redmine issues & wikis to Azure DevOps.

Redmine to Azure DevOps (VSTS) Migration

With more than a decade of experience on migration of data between different ALM/DevOps tools and expertise in building migration and integration tools we provide end-to-end solution to migrate data from Redmine to Azure DevOps. The DevOps experts will analyze your current Redmine environment, define the process, and customize the workflow required for the migration. Our inbuilt migration solution automates the migration all kind of issues/bugs onto Azure Boards.

The tool migrates the following -

  • Attachments (it will not work with files > 130MB)
  • Parent/child relations
  • A link to the original Redmine issue is added to each work item
  • Comments are migrated

Pre-requisites for the migration

  • Redmine instance endpoint
  • Redmine API key
  • Redmine project ID to migrate
  • Azure DevOps endpoint or PAT (personal access token)
  • Azure DevOps project name



This tool uses APIs from Redmine & Azure DevOps to fetch from the Redmine and write the data to Azure DevOps Boards. The extent of data copy/migration depends on the availability of the APIs to fetch and write, and possibilities provided by both Redmine and Microsoft.

You can reach us Contact Us for more information.