Canarys Copy Project
Copies the source team project artifacts to another team project within or across the organization(s).
“Canarys Copy Project” is a web service which copies the team project to another Team Project of Azure DevOps Organization. This limited trial version in the marketplace copies 100 work items with history and links, 1 GIT repo, 1 test plan and 1 pipeline each - Build and Release.
The full version of the tool which copies project along with history, attachments, linkage, etc supports the below flavours -
- Copy project from source to destination as a new project within the same Azure DevOps Organization.
- Copy project from source to destination as a new project across Azure DevOps Organizations.
- Copy project from source to an existing project in the destination within the same Azure DevOps Organization.
- Copy project from source to an existing project in the destination across Azure DevOps Organizations.
- Copy project from one Azure AD tenant to another Azure AD tenant.
Get in touch with us if you are looking for any of the above scenarios or some other similar scenario which is not mentioned here - vststoolssupport@ecanarys.com
You should have at least one Azure DevOps account with one or more Team Projects
You need to have project administrator access in both source and target organizations.
If you are looking to clone projects within an organization, please visit - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=canarysautomationspvtltd.canaryscloneproject
Note that the extension is based on the APIs exposed by Microsoft and hence, has its limitations for some functionalities.
Please note that the tool in the marketplace is limited to allow you attempt 5 migrations after which you will receive a license error. Contact us for full version of the tool.
It works for Azure Repos-Git repository only, not for TFVC.
Share your experiences, feature requests and feedback on our email vststoolssupport@ecanarys.com with the subject line "Canarys Copy Project".