DevOps-Workitem Link Validate
Canarys Workitem Link Validate

Azure DevOps Extension created to validate parent-child linking, ensuring that linking adheres to the predefined process backlog hierarchy.


The Canarys Workitem Link Validate is an Azure DevOps Extension created to validate parent-child linking, ensuring that linking adheres to the predefined process backlog hierarchy. This extension helps prevent users from creating incorrectly linked work items, providing essential checks for Agile, Basic, Scrum, and CMMI project types.

How it works:

Within Azure DevOps, when a user attempts to create a link between work items, whether as a parent or child, this extension evaluates whether the link adheres to the predefined process backlog hierarchy. It assesses if the parent work item type can be correctly linked to the child work item type. Based on this evaluation, the extension either permits or restricts the user from saving the work item. It supports the default process backlog hierarchies of Agile, Basic, Scrum, and CMMI project types.


If the parent work item type cannot be linked to the child work item type, the extension takes action by disabling the save button and displaying an error message. For example, if a user attempts to add an Epic work item as a child to a Task work item, the save button is disabled, and an error message stating "Cannot add a child of type Epic" is displayed.

Conversely, if the parent work item type can be linked to the child work item type, the extension clears any existing errors and enables the save button.

The tool actively monitors work item links, whether they are added or deleted.

How to Set Up:

  1. Navigate to the Visual Marketplace.

  2. In the search bar, type "Canarys Workitem Link Validate."

  3. Click on the "Get it free" button.

  4. Select the organization where you want this extension to be installed.

  5. Click on the "Install" button.


The Canarys Workitem Link Validate extension provides a straightforward yet essential functionality within Azure DevOps. It ensures that work item linking aligns with the defined process backlog hierarchy, helping users avoid potential errors and inconsistencies in their work item relationships. By actively monitoring and validating links, this extension contributes to the maintenance of a structured and organized project management environment.