DevOps-Parent Child Date Validator
Canarys Parent Child Date Validator

The Canarys Parent Child Date Validator is an Azure DevOps Extension created to validate dates in work items.


The Canarys Parent Child Date Validator is an Azure DevOps Extension created to validate dates in work items. Its primary purpose is to ensure that the start date is not set after the finish date and that child work item start and finish dates fall within the parent work item's start and finish dates. This prevents users from saving work items with incorrect date configurations.

How it works:

In the Azure DevOps environment, whenever users set or update system date fields like start and finish dates, this extension steps in to evaluate those dates. It checks if the start date is not later than the finish date and verifies that both the start and finish dates, as well as those of child work items, are within the parent work item's start and finish dates. Based on this evaluation, it either allows or restricts the user from saving the work item.


If the start date is indeed later than the finish date, the extension takes action by disabling the save button and displaying an error message, indicating "Finish Date is before Start Date."


Conversely, if the start date is on or before the same date as the finish date, the extension proceeds to validate parent and child start and finish dates. It ensures that child work item start and finish dates fall within the parent's boundaries. If all conditions are met, it clears any errors and enables the save button.

This tool actively operates during work item loading, resetting, updating, refreshing, or saving. However, it's worth noting that when a work item is updated on the sprint/backlog page, the error message may not be displayed. Nevertheless, the error message will appear when the work item is opened.

How to Set Up:

  1. Navigate to the Visual Marketplace.
  2. In the search bar, type "Canarys Parent Child Date Validator."
  3. Click on the "Get it free" button.
  4. Select the organization where you want this extension to be installed.
  5. Click on the "Install" button.


The Canarys Parent Child Date Validator Extension simplifies date validation in Azure DevOps work items. By ensuring that date configurations adhere to specified rules, it contributes to data accuracy and work item integrity. Its easy setup process makes it a practical choice for enhancing date-related validation within your organization's Azure DevOps environment.